- To act as a centre for offering quality training programmes for teachers as per need of the client system,
covering the entire gamut of technical, vocational and management education, at regional as also at national levels.
- To arrange for practical training for technical teachers in industries on a cooperative education plan.
- To undertake systemic research to provide research inputs for development of technical education systems and their management.
- To undertake action research for development of innovative methods, processes and practices for improvement of teaching-learning environment in technical and vocational education.
- To design new instructional system and strategies for production of multimedia learning materials.
- To develop and disseminate learning resources like Textbooks, Laboratory Manuals, Video Programmes, Computer Assisted Instructional Multimedia Packages to technical and vocational institutions and other organisations.
- To offer programmes for technical and vocational teachers in distance learning mode using state-of-the-art technologies.
- To offer courses/programmes for technical and vocational teachers to suit overseas demand especially SAARC & ASEAN countries.
- To collaborate with Community and Industry in organising Continuing and Non-formal education programmes and providing extension and consultancy services.
- To undertake Consultancy and Extension work for industry, technical institutions/organizations.
- To provide support services to Government of India schemes related to technical and vocational education system and as entrusted by MHRD, Government of India, from time to time.
- To cooperate with educational or other institutions in any part of the world having objects wholly or partly similar to those of the Institute by exchange of teachers and scholars and generally in such manner as may be conducive to their common objects.